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The great Pandemi in India?

In May -21 we were told that people died in masses on the streets of India, in a Covid-pandemi.

Let us see the facts:

About 1,2% of the infected died in India. 
If we count from the whole population of 1,2 billion, it means that one out of 2400 has died with Covid in nearly three years.

If you only died because of covid, you would live at least 5000 years.

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The media did only report the people that got infected. 

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Nobody told that nearly all recovered

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In India the sick were treated with a cheap  package of zink, Doxycyclin and Ivermectine.

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So there was a very low mortality in India, when we were told the opposite.
In Finland the mortality was nearly the same, in both countries between 1 - 2 %

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The facts are from WORLDOMETER
                                        Nov.10th -22

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