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Statistics  can fool us:

We have heard that by statistics you can show whatsoever.

It is true. This has been used since Jan.-20 to justify a great pandemic and control of humans.

Let us take a look:


Does not this diagram show that a terrible pandemi raged in Mars -21 ?

Not at all !  Because less than a hundred really sick patients were tested, and about 24 of them died, it gave a mortality of 28%. It is about what dies every year in an old-people care house with 100 -150 beds. Statistically this was no pandemic, just normal flue that was often treated as if it had been Ebola.

Germany 2.png

As we see in the picture above, the whole first year of the pandemic was very lenient, the real pandemic began first when the vaccines came in december 2020. The mortality rose up to forty-fold.

Now that we live as normally, the mortality is still tenfold in casualties compared with the first months of the so called pandemic, though it is only  about 0,46%, because nearly all flu patients are diagnosed to have covid,

How do the vaccinations fit to the picture? Look yourself !

Skärmbild (328).png

    First          Second             Third        Fourth  + boosters  


Somehow the mortality tops on the lower picture are syncronized with the first, the second, the third shot, and the boosters after that.

Let us take a look at the excess mortality:

Skärmbild (336).png

This text is from "Übersterblichkeit in Deutschland? Statistiken zu 2022, 2021 und 2020"

It tells us that 2020, the first year of the "pandemic", there was no excess mortality

But then in 2021 and 2022 there is a growing mortality (Uebersterblichkeit):

Skärmbild (337).png
Skärmbild (338).png

What does an increase of 20 percent mean, when expressed in number of dead? Because in Germany die each month normally about 70 - 80 000 persons, that means an excess mortality of  at least 14 000 persons. Some months more than 40 000 people have offered their lives because of the vaccinations.

Year 2020 under the "pandemic" the mortality was normal.

Underneath we see the actual mortality from September 2020 to September 2022.

Skärmbild (342).png

What can we learn of this?   
            Maybe that we must think ourselves and decide, if a year with normal mortality really was a terrible pandemic, and if vaccinations that seem to increase mortality really are what we want.
We may recall the latest lie that has at least some truth in it: The vaccines do not prevent infections, but you get a milder form.  What we are not told, is that these vaccines weaken your resistence, so that even the mild infection kills up to 20 percent more people than normally die in Germany, while the original "terrible" corona 2020 did not at all increase the total mortality.

So  if you prefer to die without a severe fight against infection, take a shot!


Or read and collect information and do not get fooled!

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